It’s so easy to install games and other apps in the Google Play store, that you might have an unmanageably large number of apps installed on your Samsung Galaxy. The good news is that almost any app can be deleted, and it’s a simple process to do that.

The only apps you can’t delete are some pre-installed apps which are a part of the Android operating system. Many of these apps can instead be disabled, however, which removes them from the list of apps and prevents them from using system resources, which is the next best thing.

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How to delete apps on a Samsung Galaxy

1. Start the Settings app and tap “Apps.”

2. In the list of apps, find the app you want to delete.

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Foto: You can find a complete list of all apps installed on your phone in the Settings app.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

3. Tap "Uninstall."

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Foto: Use the Uninstall button at the top of the app's details page to remove it from your Galaxy phone.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

There's another way to delete an app without opening the Settings app. You can just tap and hold an app icon anywhere on the Home screen or app pages, and wait until a pop-up menu appears. Then tap "Uninstall."

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Foto: Tap and hold an app to uninstall it, if the option is available.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

If the app had been pinned to your Galaxy's Home screen and you don't want to delete it entirely, you can also tap "Remove from Home." This returns the app to the app screen and removes it from its prominent position on the Home screen.

How to disable built-in apps that you can't delete on a Samsung Galaxy

Some built-in apps can't be deleted, but can instead be disabled. Of course, there are some apps so essential to the proper operation of your phone that they can't be disabled either.

Here's how to disable apps through a Galaxy's settings:

1. Start the Settings app and tap "Apps."

2. In the list of apps, find the app you want to disable.

3. Tap "Disable."

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Foto: You can only disable certain built-in apps rather than deleting them.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

You can also tap and hold an app to disable it, as depicted in the above section for deleting an app. If the Disable button is greyed out, you can't disable or delete that app.

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Foto: Tap and hold an app you can't delete to see if you can disable it. If the disable option is greyed out (as pictured here), you can't disable or delete it.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

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